Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Memoriam for BOB LEWIS

A Memoriam for BOB LEWIS

This is a sad Greeting. But to honer Bob I will do it. Bob passed away Jan. 4, 2008
He was 83 years old. The organ he is sitting at, is an Allen TO-5Q, 5 manual, 55 rank
Digital Theatre Organ.
Bob grew up in Ottawa, Illinois. Graduated from North Western, served in the Navy.
His greatest passion was music, mainly the Pipe Organ. He volunteered his services at
the Chicago Stadium to restore the pipe organ there, which was really in bad shape.
I met Bob at Hi Fi Unlimited, where he was the manager. They were getting into the
sound business & needed help. I had just finished a job at Automatic Electric, in North Lake, working for Rich Sound. I applied for the job & got it. I became manager of the repair shop & Sound Installations. I hired many Electronic Techs but my best one was Jim Annes. We had something in common, we were both De Vry graduates. This was
in 1956. In 1958 Maynard Larkin the owner of Hi Fi Unlimited decide to sell the repair & sound part of Hi Fi, so Jim & I bought it. We called our place Sound Contractors. In 1962 I got a job at the Naval Ordinance Station in Forrest Park, Il. I
told Jim I would work in the shop at night. The business was going no where. Maynard Larkin decided to sell Hi Fi & Bob wanted to buy in Sound Contractors.
Jim asked me if it was O.K. to buy me out & Bob buy in. I agreed & thats what saved
Sound Contractors. Bob had moved to Villa Park & thats were the 3rd Ave. Theater
began. Bob's first organ there, he used to play along with Silent movies & did a fabulous job. We all will miss him. On Nov. 26,2007 I made a special trip to hear my
first live Concert at the 3rd Avenue Theater & Bob's house was hit by a tornado. He could not get in touch with us, to tell us not to come. I'm sure glad we went. We spent
several hours together hashing over old times. No electricity, we went around with flash lights & I managed to get some good photos as I will post.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Light Scribe

Light Scribe Disc is a grey scale & It Sucks. Generated from Disc below made with Nero. If anyone knows of a Label burner that prints true color, please let me know. THANKS !

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Ravioli Form

This project was jenks for me, don't even know if it's going to work. It was my on stupidty, using the wrong kind of push stick on my radial arm saw with a dado. I got a kick back & the push stick ended up in my wrist very close to tendons. I did not have a guide which really was the cause of the problem. Going on 3 days now & my wrist is healing, it bled like a stuck pig. For all of you out there, work with care.