Friday, May 09, 2008

New Kitchen Counter Tops

Replacing the kitchen counter tops, took me awhile. I ended up with hives or shingles, Maybe from particle board dust, who knows. Anyway I'm better now & the project is done. I joined The Villages Woodworkers Club so I could have access to there table saw & end up with square edges. Tricky but we got it done, my friend Leo helped me. Thank the good Lord for his help. Had to cut down the width of the marble sill, so the splash board would fit. Did that with a masonry blade on a skill saw. Had to extend the bottom of the peninsula to accommodate for a longer top. Had some leftover pieces from an old screen door. Thats where the ornates came from. Not to pleased with some of the seams. Some long reach clamps might of helped. Need to get some. Lot of dry wall patching to adjust for the splash board. I extended the corner cabinet, got rid of useless partion for more space. Well Happy Counter Top Replacing to all ~!